How fear and worry can paralyze useful effort, and good work part2

With this mental picture in his mind — if he holds to it long enough — he draws the things or conditions to him, and thus "thought takes
form in action and being." The majority of our fears and worries are silly little things that take our thought for a moment, and then are gone.

They are great wasters of energy, but we do not concentrate on any one of them long enough to put into operation the Law of Attraction.

And so you see, that unless you get rid of Fear, it will tend to draw toward you the thing you fear, or else force you toward
the thing itself.

Fear makes of the feared object a flame around which you circle and flutter, like the moth, until at last you make a plunge right into the heat of the flame and are consumed. Kill out Fear, by all means.

"But, how may I kill it out?" you cry. Very easily! This is the method: Suppose you had a roomful of darkness. Would you start to shovel or sweep out the darkness? Or would you not throw open the windows and admit the light?

When the light pours in, the darkness disappears. And so with the darkness of Fear — throw open the windows, and "let a little sunshine in.

" Let the thoughts, feelings, and ideals of Courage, Confidence and Fearlessness pour into your mind, and Fear will vanish. When- ever Fear shows itself in your mind, administer the antidote of Fearlessness immediately.

Say to yourself: "I am Fearless; I Fear Nothing; I am Courageous," Let the sunshine pour in. I tell you, friends, that if you once learn the secret of killing off this vampire of Fear, and thus prevent the rearing of her hateful brood of reptile emotions, life will seem a different thing to you. You will begin to realize what it is to live.

You will learn what it is to have a mind cleared of weeds, and fresh to grow healthy thoughts, feelings, emotions and ambitions. And you will find that with Fear killed out, you will cease to give out to others the suggestions of in- competence, lack of reliance on yourself, and the other impressions that hurt one's chances.

You will find that when you are rid of Fear you will radiate hope, and confidence, and ability, and will impress all those with whom you come in contact.

And you will find also that the eradication of Fear will work wonders in your Mental Attitude, and the operation of it through the Law of Attraction. When one fears a thing he really attracts it to him, just as if
he desired it.

The reason is this — when one desires or fears a thing (in either case the principle is the same) he creates a mental picture of the thing, which mental picture has a tendency toward materialization.

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