Let a man come into your presence for the purpose of doing business with you and if he lack self-con- fidence in himself and the things he wishes to sell you, you will at once catch his spirit and will feel that you
have no confidence in him or the things he is offering. You will catch his mental atmosphere at once, and
he will suffer thereby. But let this same man fill himself up with thoughts, feelings, and ideals of En-thusiasm
, Success, Self-Confidence, Confidence in his proposition, etc., and he will fairly radiate success toward you, and you will unconsciously "take stock" in him and interest in his goods, and the chances are that you will be willing and glad to do business with him. Do you not know men who radiate Failure, Dis-couragement and "I Can't"? Are you not affected by their manifested Mental Attitude to their hurt? And, on the other hand, do you not know men who are so filled with Confidence, Courage, Enthusiasm, Fearlessness, and Energy, that the moment you come into their presence, or they into yours, you at once catch their spirit, and respond thereto? I contend that there is an actual atmosphere surrounding each of these men — which if you are sensitive enough you can feel — one of repulsion, and the other of attraction. And further, that these atmospheres are the result of the constant daily thought of these men or the Mental Attitude of each toward life. Think over this a bit, and you will see at once just how the LAW works. The third phase of the action of Mental Attitude towards Financial Success may be called the working of the Law of Attraction. Now, without attempting to advance any wild theories, I still must assert that all thinking, observing men have noticed the operation of a mental whereby "like at- tracts like." Avoiding all theories on the subject, I state the general principle that a man's Mental Attitude acts as a magnet, attracting to him the things, objects, circumstances, environments, and people in harmony with that Mental Attitude. If we think Success firmly
and hold it properly before us, it tends to build up a constant Mental Attitude which invariably attracts to
us the things conducive to its attainment and materialization. If we hold the ideal of Financial Success --- in short. Money — our Mental Attitude will gradually form and crystallize the MONEY ideal. And the things pertaining to Money — people calculated to help us win Money — circumstances tending to bring us
Money — opportunites for making Money — in fact, all sorts of Money-things — will be attracted toward us. You think this visionary talk, do you? Well, then, just make a careful study of any man who has
attained Financial Success and see whether or not his prevailing attitude is not that of expectation of money .
He holds this Mental Attitude as an ideal, and he is constantly realizing that ideal.
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